Mgr. Markéta Králová
Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, v. v. i.
Markéta Králová received her MA in Musicology from Charles University, Prague (2014), followed by a Doctoral programme at the Institute for Musicology at the University of Vienna from 2016, which she graduated in July 2020. Her doctoral project “Minorite music culture in Český Krumlov between 1726 and 1750” was granted the DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2017-2020). She has dealt principally with the topic of sacred music in the 18th century monastic environment since her bachelor’s degree. She regularly prepares educational programmes for the Czech ‘Radio 3’ and cooperates with the project R.I.S.M. in the National Library in Prague (the cataloguing of the sacred music within the Český Krumlov castle music collection). To present scientific research to the public, she collaborates with various media (for example, the preparation of educational programmes for the Czech ‘Radio 3’ since 2014), gives open lectures, and holds the post of the dramaturge of the festival of sacred baroque music Barokní Koruna.
- Music of South Bohemia
- 18th century sacred music, principally in the monastic environment
In the project “Old Myths – New Facts“ she will focus on late medieval manuscripts of monastic origin.
Králová, Markéta. „Music Culture at the Minorite Monastery in Český Krumlov between 1726-1750.“ Dissertation. Wien, 2019.
Markéta Králová: „Slavnosti liturgického roku a jejich hudba na příkladu konventu minoritů a klarisek v Českém Krumlově ve druhé čtvrtině 18. století“, Folia Historica Bohemica 35/2, 2020, s. 89-100.
Markéta Králová: „Významné dny v životě obyvatel a příznivců minoritského konventu v Českém Krumlově mezi lety 1726-1750“, Historica Olomucensia 59, 2020, s. 261-282.
Králová, Markéta. „Hudební dějiny.“ [Musical History] In Dějiny Zlaté Koruny [History of Zlatá Koruna], ed. Jindřich Špinar, 349–354. České Budějovice: Obec Zlatá Koruna, 2013.
Králová, Markéta. „Hudební činnost Antonína Borového ve Zlaté Koruně na přelomu 18. a 19. století.“ [Musical activities of Antonín Borový in Zlatá Koruna at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries] Muzikologické fórum 2/2 (2013): 147–152.