Who we are
We are a team of six musicologists (and one digital humanities specialist) working at the Masaryk Institute and Academy of Sciences Archives and the Charles University Faculty of Arts. Our professional interest is broad and includes topics related to musical culture from the early Middle Ages up to the present day. We have joined this team with differing professional experiences, but we are all connected by a natural scholarly curiosity and aspiration to convey interesting findings both at home and abroad.

doc. PhDr. Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Ph.D.
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
project leader

Mgr. Jan Ciglbauer, Ph.D.
Department of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
Co-applicant (Charles University)

Mgr. Dr. phil. Viktor Velek, Ph.D.
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v.v.i.
team member

PhDr. Lenka Hlávková, Ph.D.
Department of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
team member

Jan Hajič, Ph.D.
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
team member (since July 2020)

Mgr. Markéta Králová, Dr. phil.
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
team member (until September 2021)

Dr. Rhianydd Hallas, PhD, Ph.D.
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v.v.i.
team member (postdoctoral position)

Mgr. Jana Franková, Ph.D.
Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.
Former team member (until July 2020)