This page displays a continually updated list of publications and other project outputs. Outputs that have been accepted for publication but have not yet been published are marked accordingly.
Ciglbauer, Jan. ‘The Scribe(s), Genesis, and Use of the Manuscript Vyšší Brod 42.’ In Musica Disciplina, 62 (2022) (forthcoming).
Ciglbauer, Jan. 'Cantio'. In The Cambridge History of Music in Czech Lands, ed. Martin Nedbal – Kelly St. Pierre – Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
Hlávková, Lenka. 'Ktož jsú boží bojovníci (You who are the warriors of God): a Problematic National Symbol.' In The Museum of Renaissance Music, eds. Tim Shepard - Vincenzo Borghetti, Turnhout: Brepols, 2022 (forthcoming).
Hlávková, Lenka, and Pavel Kodýtek. ‘Manuscript Vyšší Brod 42 as an Outset of a New Perspective on the Tradition of Late Medieval cantiones’ In Musica Disciplina 62 (2022) (forthcoming).
Velek, Viktor. 'Medieval Musical Symbols of Czechness'. In The Cambridge History of Music in Czech Lands, ed. Martin Nedbal – Kelly St. Pierre – Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
Velek, Viktor. 'Ernst Förchtgott/Arnošt Bohaboj-Tovačovský (1825-1874): A Viennese Slav and a Moravian Hussite Rolled into One' In: Arti Musices (2023)
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'Secundum morem nostrum and secundum morem secularem: the liturgical repertory in the manuscript Vyšší Brod [Hohenfurt] 42 from 1410', in Musica Disciplina 62 (2022) (forthcoming).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'Hudba.' In Česká medievistika 1990–2020, ed. Robert Novotný e. a. (forthcoming).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'Mass Ordinary Chants from Aquitain in Prague and Central Europe: A Complicated History.' In Paris, Bibl. Nat. f. l. 1139, ed. Océane Boudeau e. a., Turnhout: Brepols 2023 (forthcoming).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'The powerful narrative of the last pages in the Jistebnice Kancionál: the repertory of the 'Additamenta' section (ff. 111r–132v).' The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice 12, ed. Zdenek V. David e. a. (forthcoming).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'Medieval Traditions of Bohemian Plainchant'. In The Cambridge History of Music in Czech Lands, ed. Martin Nedbal – Kelly St. Pierre – Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana e. a. Jistebnický kancionál, MS, Prague, Library of the National Museum, II C 7, Critical edition, sv. 2: Cantionale (= Monumenta liturgica Bohemica III), Chomutov: L. Marek, 2019. ISBN: 978-80-87127-98-8.
Ciglbauer, Jan. 'Ein Passauer Antiphonar in Prag, oder ein Prager Antiphonar aus Passau? CZ-Pu III D 10 als Quelle der Passauer Musikgeschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts.' In Musik und Liturgie in der Diözese Passau im Mittelalter, ed. Robert Klugseder (= Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Kulturraumforschung Ostbaierns und der Nachbarregionen 73), Passau: Klinger, 2020, 63–82.
Ciglbauer, Jan. 'K hudebnímu a liturgickému kontextu Plzeňské madony: Votivní bohoslužby kolem roku 1400.' In Nad slunce krásnější. Plzeňská madona a krásný sloh. In Nad slunce krásnější. Plzeňská madona a krásný sloh, eds. Petr Jindra a Michaela Ottová, Plzeň: Západočeská galerie 2020, 144–148.
Ciglbauer, Jan. 'Notované rukopisy z třeboňské knihovny s důrazem na písařskou a sběratelskou činnost Kříže z Telče’. In Středověké knihovny augustiniánských kanonií v Třeboni a Borovanech, Ed. Michal Dragoun, Adéla Ebersonová a Lucie Doležalová, Dolní Břežany: Scriptorium, 2021, 143–152. (The Publication was awarded by the Bedřich Hroný Prize (Cenu Bedřicha Hrozného).
Hallas, Rhianydd. 'Mary and Elizabeth: Male Perspectives of Female-Coded Piety in Offices for the Visitation.' In Medieval Women’s Writing: Speaking Internationally, ed. Liz Herbert McAvoy, Sue Niebrzydowski, with Vicki Kay and Kathryn Loveridge, Bangor, Wales, UK: Boyder and Brewer 2022, 175–192.
Velek, Viktor. 'Music, Master Jan Hus and Hussitism.', In Music, Arts and Politics: Revolutions and Restorations in Europe and Croatia, 1815-1860, ed. Stanislav Tuksar e. a., Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2021, 517–551.
Velek, Viktor. 'Master Jan Hus and Hussitism as the subject of Czech social songs in the first half of the 19th century'. In: Popular Song in the 19th Century, ed. Derek B. Scott (= Speculum Musicae, vol. 46, edendum curavit Roberto Illiano), Turnhout: Brepols, 2022, 219-234.
Velek, Viktor. 'Searching for a programme, searching for an identity, or the Association and the struggle between the Saint Wenceslas and Hus-Hussite traditions in Czech music of the second half of the 19th century.' Musicologica Olomucensia 33, 2 (2021), pp. 374–409.
Velek, Viktor. 'Hus-Hussite Themes and Other Repertoire in the Manuscript Songbook “Písně Baborovy” (Babor’s Songs)' In: Musicalia 14, (1-2) 2022, 96-122.
Velek, Viktor. 'Písňová husitika a další repertoár v rukopisném zpěvníku „Písně Baborovy“' In: Musicalia 14, (1-2) 2022, 123-146.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'Benedicamus domino tropes in the monastery of Benedictine nuns at St Georg, Prague', in Early Music 50 (2022): 1–17.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. 'Cantus fractus in Pre-Hussite Bohemia. Lost Repertories and Reconstruction Challenges, in Journal of Alamire Foundation 1 (2023): 11–31.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Sequences in Late Medieval Bohemia: Genre, Form and Function Transformation. Konference The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice, Prague, 19. 6. 2023.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. "Als ob wir in diesen Tropen Nachklänge von Voksmusik hörten." Zur Rezeption und Überlieferung westlichen einstimmigen Repertoires in Zentraleuropa. University Würzburg, 23. 6. 2023.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Current research of medieval liturgical manuscripts in the labyrinth of digital libraries and databases. The Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, München, 24.–28. 7. 2023.
Ciglbauer, Jan. The de-monasticization of University Colleges: Liturgical music in the life of late medieval university colleges in Central Europe. Music and the University : History, Models, Prospects, City University of London, 7.–9. 7. 2022.
Ciglbauer, Jan. Cataloging the “post-conductus” Traditions of Latin and Vernacular Song in Central Europe. 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (MI), 9.–14. 5. 2022 (online).
Hajič, Jan. Encoding the Jistebnice Cantionale: it takes a village. Music Encoding Conference, Halifax, 19.–22. 5. 2022 (online).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana, Jan Ciglbauer, Lenka Hlávková, and Viktor Velek. Old Myths, New Facts : Historiography of Fifteenth-Century Music in the Czech Lands between Nationalism and Globalism. International. 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress, Athens, 22.–26. 8. 2022.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Málo známé repertoáry Vyšehradského rukopisu [Little Known Repertories of Vyšehrad Manuscripts], Workshop to Manuscripts Vyšehrad and Praha, NK 59 R 5116, Prague 19. 5. 2022.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Benedicamus domino tropes in the monastery of Benedictine nuns at St George's, Prague. Workshop The Monastery and Library of St. George's in Prague: Liturgy, Music, Art and Manuscripts in their European Setting, Prague 18.–21. 7. 2022.
Ciglbauer, Jan. The Meeting of Oral and Written Traditions? The Vyšehrad manuscript and Culture of Latin song in Bohemia around 1460. Medieval and Renaissance Conference Lisbon, 5.–9. 7. 2021.
Ciglbauer, Jan a Hana Vlhová-Wörner. Prague Notre Dame fragments and the reception of ars antiqua polyphony in Bohemia and Moravia, EMCE lecture, 15. 12. 2021 (online).
Ciglbauer, Jan a Hana Vlhová-Wörner. Pražské fragmenty Notre Dame: Recepce pařížské polyfonie v českých zemích [Prague Notre Dame fragments and the reception of ars antiqua polyphony in Bohemia and Moravia], public lecture Prague, National library of the Czech Republic, 2. 11. 2021.
Hajič, Jan a Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Der Digitale EcoSystem The Jistebnice Kancionál Network: Metadata, Editionen, Verknüpfungen, Panel Digitale Edition von Musikhandschriften des Mittelalters, Universita Freiburg i. B., 24. 11. 2021 (online).
Hallas, Rhianydd. The Use of Contrafact in Offices for the Feast of the Visitation. Conference: Current Research in Fourteenth-Century Music. Pavia (online), 8–9. 3. 2021.
Hallas, Rhianydd. Responding to Criticism: the Office of the Visitation. Conference: Medieval and Renaissance Conference. Lisboa (online), 5.–9. 7. 2021.
Hallas, Rhianydd. The Reception of Offices for the Visitation in West Slavic Countries. Colloquium: Marian Devotion in Late Medieval Society. Prague (online), 29.–30. 10. 2021.
Hallas, Rhianydd. Tradition and Revolution in Chants for the Feast of Jan Hus. Conference: Plainsong and Medieval Music Society Conference and General Meeting. Oxford (online), 3. 12. 2021.
Hlávková, Lenka. Codex Speciálník as a local authority? The transmission of polyphony in Bohemian sources around 1500. Medieval and Renaissance Conference Lisbon, 5.–9. 7. 2021.
Hlávková, Lenka. Imperatrix virgo gloriosa from Codex Speciálník (ca 1480–1500). A revival of a forgotten Marian cantio? Marian Devotion in Late Medieval Society, 29.–30. 11. 2021 (online).
Velek, Viktor. The iconography of printed compositions (19th and 20th centuries) with the theme of Master Jan Hus and Hussitism. Konference RIDIM, červenec 2021 (online).
Velek, Viktor. Husitské prvky v dělnické písni [Hussite elements in the workers' songs]. Workshop Nové pohledy na dějiny dělnického hnutí v letech 1848-1948 v současné české historiografii", Praha, duben 2021.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Benedicamus Domino tropes in the monastery of Benedictine nuns at St Georg, Prague, Marginalised Voices: Benedicamus domino in 'Peripheral'. Female Monastic Communities, Oslo 13.–15. 10. 2021.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Digitální ekosystém Jistebnického kancionálu [Digital ecosystem of the Jistebnice Kancionál] Workshop Digitální edice Jistebnického kancionálu, Praha 15. 11. 2021.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Liturgie, hudba a hudební kultura v klášterech českých františkánů a klarisek (rukopis NK ČR I E 12) [Liturgy, Music, and Music Culture in monasteries of Franciscan and St. Clara nuns from Bohemia], workshop Perspektiva výzkumu františkánské kultury v Čechách, 1. 2. 2021 (online).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Less known repertories of the Vyšehrad Kancionál. Medieval and Renaissance Conference Lisbon, 5.–9. 7. 2021 (online).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Ministri speciales beate virginis at St Vitus's Cathedral in Prague: liturgy, repertory, sources. Marian Devotion in Late Medieval Society, 29.–30. 11. 2021 (online).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. The project Old Myths, New Facts. International Musicological Society Study Group Cantus Planus – Research Forum, 28. 7. 2021 (online).
Ciglbauer, Jan. CZ-Pu I G 39: Latin Songs from Prague University around 1400 and their 'renaisance'. Medieval and Renaissance Conference Edinbourgh, 1.–4. 7. 2020 (online).
Ciglbauer, Jan. Reconstructing Rhythm in Central European songs with chant notations. Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages, 16.–18. 11. 2020 (online).
Ciglbauer, Jan. Vyšebrodský rukopis č. 42 jako jedinečný pramen písňové kultury v klášterním prostředí předhusitských Čech. Cisterciácké opatství Vyšší Brod, 22. 8. 2020.
Hlávková, Lenka. An inconspicuous relative of the Speciálník Codex. On Dating and Structure of the Manuscript CZ-Pu VI C 20a. Medieval and Renaissance Conference Edinbourgh, 1.–4. 7. 2020 (online).
Hlávková, Lenka. Poetry, prosa and regular rhythmic structures in music around 1400. Canticum boemicale Otep myry in the context of Credo settings in cantus fractus. Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages, 16.–18. 11. 2020 (online).
Hlávková, Lenka. The Music Topography of Prague (1470 – 1550): Lesser Town. Music Topography in Slovakia and Central Europe in the Course of Centuries, Sv. Júr, 17.–18. 9. 2020.
Velek, Viktor. Česká hudba a místa paměti druhého života husovsko-husitské tradice. Mezinárodní konference Natural formations – the town – nation – identity, Praha 30. 9. 2020.
Velek, Viktor. Hledání programu, hledání identity aneb Stýkání a potýkání svatováclavské a husitské tradice v české hudbě 2. poloviny v 19. století. Mezinárodní muzikologická konference Zdeněk Fibich: profesní podoby skladatele, Olomouc 21.–23. 9. 2020.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Cantus fractus in vernacular chant of the 1420s: Lost Genres and Transcription Challenges. Conference Rhythm in Music and the Arts in the Late Middle Ages, Praha (online), 16.–18. 11. 2020.
Ciglbauer, Jan. Die Lieder, die es nicht mehr gibt. Zum Inhalt der böhmischen Cantionentradition im 15. Jahrhundert. Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. Basel, 3.– 6. 7. 2019.
Ciglbauer, Jan. Liturgische Handschriften aus Nordhausen: Fragmente eines Musiklebens. Nordhäuser Klosterkultur des Mittelalters: altes Kulturerbe - neu entdeckt. Nordhausen, 7. 6. 2019.
Ciglbauer, Jan. What matters? The creativity of Prague University students in the 14th and 15th centuries and their use of rhyme. Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art and Song. Helsinki, 22.–24. 5. 2019.
Hallas, Rhianydd. Jenštejn’s Visitation: a Conventional Office? Conference: Medieval and Renaissance Conference. Basel, 3.–6. 7. 2019.
Hallas, Rhianydd. Characteristics and Transmission of Jenštejn’s Visitation Office. Conference: Chant in Bohemia around 1400: Crossroads of Traditions. Prague, 21.–22. 12. 2019.
Hlávková, Lenka. Cantiones aus der Hohenfurther Handschrift 42 und die parallelen Traditionen ihrer mehrstimmigen Bearbeitungen. Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. Basel, 3.– 6. 7. 2019.
Hlávková, Lenka. Wo ist die Musik geblieben? Überlegungen zum Musikleben am Prager Hof des Wladislaus Jagiello (1471 – 1490). 54. Mezinárodní hudebněvědné kolokvium Brno, 4.–6. 11. 2019.
Velek, Viktor. Master Jan Hus and Hussitism as the subject of Czech social songs in the first half of the 19th century.
International Conference: Popular Songs in the 19th Century. Lucca, 30. 11.– 2. 12. 2019.
Velek, Viktor. 1848: Music and Master Jan Hus and Hussitism. 14th International musicological conference “Music, arts and politics: revolutions and restorations in Europe and Croatia, 1815-1860”, Záhřeb 16.–19. 10. 2019
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Repertory of prosulas in late Hussite and Utraquist manuscripts. The Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference. Basel, 3.–6. 7. 2019.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Sounds and Reverberations: 15th-century Hussite religious and war songs in differing historical contexts. The annual conference of the American musicological society (Boston, listopad 2019 / Boston, November 2019).
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Chant in Bohemia around 1400: Traditions and Transformations. Conference: Chant in Bohemia around 1400: Crossroad of Traditions. Praha, prosinec 2019 / Prague, 21.–22. 12. 2019.
Musica Hussitica moderna: Pinacotheca (Viktor Velek)
Databáze obálek notovin se skladbami s husitskou tématikou
Musica Hussitica moderna: Repertorium (Viktor Velek)
Databáze a katalog skladeb s husitskou tématikou, 19.-21. století (Jan Ciglbauer)
Database of song repertoires in Central European sources of the 14th and 15th centuries
Index Sequentiarum Bohemiae Medii Aevi (Hana Vlhová-Wörner)
Databáze sekvencí ze středověkých pramenů české provenience (součást mezinárodní databáze cantusindex a projectu Digital Analysis of Chant Transmision – DACT
Index Sequentiarum Bohemiae Medii Aevi
Hallas, Rhianydd. Two rhymed offices composed for the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: comparative study and critical edition. Unpublished PhD thesis: Bangor University and Charles University, 2021.
Králová, Markéta. Music culture of the Minorite monastery in Český Krumlov between 1726 and 1750. Dissertation, Universität Wien, 2020.
Hlávková, Lenka. Eric Jas, Piety and Polyphony in Sixteenth-Century Holland: The Choirbooks of St Peter’s Church, Leiden. BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 135(2). 2020. DOI: (Book review.)
Ciglbauer, Jan. Vyšebrodský rukopis č. 42 jako jedinečný pramen písňové kultury v klášterním prostředí předhusitských Čech. Cisterciácké opatství Vyšší Brod, 22. 8. 2020.
Hlávková, Lenka. 54. International Musicological Colloquium Brno, Urban music culture in Central Europe ca. 1450–1670. In: Hudební věda LVI (2019), 4, s. 459-462. (Conference review.)