Workshop on the Jistebnice Cantionale Digital Edition
The digital ecosystem Jistebnice Cantionale Network, created within the Old Myths, New Facts project in collaboration with colleagues from related fields, aims to be accessible to the broadest possible audience recruited both from the academic and general public. The half-day workshop is planned as an open interdisciplinary discussion on the philosophy and architecture of the digital ecosystem and the format of a complex digital edition, and should provide ideas on the further direction of the project. The work done on the digital ecosystem will be presented by Hana Vlhová-Wörner (MIA CAS), Jan Hajič jr. (MIA CAS), and Petr Nejedlý (ICL CAS).
The workshop will take place in person on November 15, 2021 from 2 to 5 PM, in the Conference room of Building B of the Masaryk Institute and Archive, Gabčíkova 10, Praha 8.
The Jistebnice Cantionale, presents, as a musical and literary source, a difficult challenge for modern editors. One of the key tasks of current research is putting its content into the context of the broad tradition of latin and czech liturgical chant and songs of late medieval Bohemia and Central Europe, and to relate its texts to corresponding contemporary biblical translations. Here a print edition comes up against the limits of the physical medium, because it cannot maintain an up-to-date relationship to relevant sources of information developed by neighboring disciplines. The digital medium, on the other hand, responds to these challenges well.
Workshop programme
14:00 — Introduction (Hana Vlhová-Wörner, MIA)
14:15 — Digital ecosystem overview (Hana Vlhová-Wörner, MIA)
14:30 — Digital facsimile (Jan Hajič, MIA)
14:45 — Performance of Christmas Vespers from the Jistebnicke Cantionale (Polyfonix ensemble)
15:00 — Break
15:10 — Old Czech psalters in relation to the Cantionale psalm texts (Petr Nejedlý, ICL)
15:30 — Jistebnice Cantionale and Friends: a chant database (Hana Vlhová-Wörner, MIA)
15:45 — ChantLab: software for analysing chant melodies (Jan Hajič, MIA)
16:00 — The Diabible project and Czech gospel translations (Andrea Svobodová, ICL)
from 16:15 — Open discussion