Recordings available from first Digital Humanities in Early Music Research workshop of 2021
We have recently published the recorded talks and workshops from the DHEMR 2021/1 on our project's YouTube channel. The videos serve as tutorials for OMR tool users beyond the workshop participants, increasing the workshop's impact in the DH community. As a part of the workshop, our DH specialist Jan Hajič presented his work on making collaborative digital editions possible with OMMR4all.
Ichiro Fujinaga: Large-scale OMR for neumes with Rodan (DHEMR 2021/1, Session 1)
Abstract: The overall goal of the Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis (SIMSSA) project is to develop a workflow for creating an infrastructure for a musical data discovery system. Here, we describe an online system for large-scale processing of neume music notation called “Rodan." The system converts the images of music manuscripts to a computer-readable format using optical music recognition (OMR) technologies.
Martha Thomae: Making Rodan work for you (DHEMR 2021/1, Session 2)
Abstract: In this second session about SIMSSA (Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis), we explore in more detail the technologies presented during the first session. We will see each of the OMR-related “jobs” available in “Rodan,” getting to know their settings, and how to interconnect these jobs to generate an MEI file which encodes the contents of a music manuscript. The goal of this workshop is for the audience to learn how to use these technologies for their own purposes.
Alexander Hartelt & Jan Hajič: Collaborative digital editions with OMMR4All (DHEMR 2021/1 session 3)
Abstract: In this session, we will try out OMMR4all, a web app for collaboratively creating digital facsimile editions of chant manuscripts in staff notation, with optical music recognition available as a part of the workflow. This workshop session is a hands-on tutorial that aims to teach participants how to efficiently use OMMR4all — you will have the opportunity to follow along in the actual app.