Digital Humanities in Early Music Research, 2021/2: Reaping the Fruits of Digital Labor
Jan Hajič
The second session of the 2021 Digital Humanities in Early Music Research workshop series is here, and we would like to wholeheartedly invite you to participate. Given the ongoing pandemic situation, the session will be held virtually. The workshop will take place via Zoom on June 17th and 18th, starting at 4 PM CEST.
This time the workshop focuses less on individual digital tools and more on how digital tools have advanced the field of musicology (and how they might do so in the near future). The goal of the workshop will be to showcase how digital tools can be leveraged in research — new (efficient?) ways to obtain scientific knowledge, answer scientific questions, and perhaps most importantly, what previously impossible questions can hopefully be answered now that some digital tools are available. For instance, the Cantus network of databases now has something like half a million entries — what can we do with that now? The ideal outcome is that you will get ideas on (1) digital methodologies to answer research questions you already have, (2) digital aspects of grant applications.
Therefore, it is an honor to announce that we will have three speakers with diverse experience with digital musicology who have agreed to share their experience, insights, and present their favorite digital musicology research papers and projects. Besides these indivual talks, the part of the workshop which I’m looking forward to the most is a panel discussion on the near- and medium-term prospects of digital musicology.
June 17th (Thu), 4-5 PM CEST: Tim Crawford (https://www.gold.ac.uk/computing/people/t-crawford/)
June 17th (Thu), 5-6 PM CEST: Luisa Nardini (https://music.utexas.edu/about/people/nardini-luisa)
June 18th (Fri), 4-5 PM CEST: Stefan Morent (https://uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/philosophische-fakultaet/fachbereiche/altertums-und-kunstwissenschaften/musikwissenschaftliches-institut/institut/personen/morent-stefan-prof-dr/)
June 18th (Fri), 5-7 PM CEST: Panel discussion.
If you wish to participate, you can register here: https://forms.gle/rfoZEzgzJUzUZW3GA
Also, if you have a question for the panel discussion, you can write it into the registration form. We will then see if there are perhaps some frequently asked questions to start the panel off with. (Please keep in mind that we want the panel focused on existing opportunities, potential low-hanging digital fruit, etc., rather than looking e.g. ten years into some idealized future…)