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Modern music with echoes of Hussitism

"Tábor is our programme!" This slogan associated with one of the main currents of Czech politics since the times of T. G. Masaryk can also be transmitted into the realm of art. Artists often and gladly manifested their opinion by tackling the topic of Jan Hus and Hussitism. In this way they displayed what socio-political current they belonged to. The topic provided them with an opportunity to find historical parallels between the 19th and 20th century on the one hand and the Middle Ages on the other. Progress in the historical research provided stimuli for shaping the identity of the population of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown and later also Czechoslovakia, and layers of the "second life of Hussitism" began to emerge. This was most evident in the national, religious, social and historical spheres, but also in art, with music being no exception. Read more...


A digital catalogue of musical compositions from the 19th – 21st century on themes of Hus or the Hussites. 


A digital platform for the iconography of modern compositions on themes of Hus or the Hussites. 

Florilegium contains mini-editions with various types of musical compositions on themes of Hus or the Hussites.