Přednáška k hudební praxi v Regensburgu v 15. století
Srdečně zveme na přednášku "The Practice of Music in 15th-Century St. Emmeram According to its Liber Ordinarius", která se koná ve spolupráci se Slovenskou akademí věd a Centrem pro humanitní studia v Budapešti v rámci cyklu "Early Music in Central Europe: Local Elements – Transregional Connections – International Research", ve středu 11. 10. 2023, 17:00, via zoom, kterou přednese Dr. Gionata Brusa (Würzburg).
Zájemci se mohou registrovat do 10. 10., 17:00 na adrese https://forms.gle/jHQNPEPpR6BLnJVC6
The Liber Ordinarius is the effort of a cathedral church, a monastery, a collegiate church, or a well-defined religious community (monastic or canonical congregations) to set down its liturgical customs in written form. This type of book, which usually consists of a series of liturgical incipits with explanatory rubrics, provides us with details that we might not otherwise find. As a result, scholarly interest in this type of liturgical manuscript has grown considerably in recent decades, since its importance goes beyond the liturgical sphere and extends to architecture, musicology, art history and more. The recent publication of the Liber Ordinarius of St. Emmeram has shed new light on the musical customs of this important abbey during the 15th century. In his introduction David Hiley has pointed out some remarkable details about the practice of the music in St. Emmeram, but there is much more to say. The aim of this lecture is to offer a general overview of this source and to explore some features of its musical repertoire.
Gionata Brusa is scientific collaborator (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeit) at the University of Würzburg, where he is member of the team Corpus Monodicum: Die einstimmige Musik des lateinischen Mittelalters. From 2017 to 2019 he was employeed at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Wien, where he worked on the project Cantus Network: Libri Ordinarii of the Salzburg metropolitan province. He is particularity interested in the analysis of the musical and liturgical repertoire of the North Italy and South German area and has published the edition of the Liber Ordinarius of Vercelli (2009), Freising (2020), and with David Hiley those of Regensburg (2020) and St Emmeram (2021). Moreover, he has curated the edition of three manuscripts of the Museo Civico in Bolzano “I codici liturgico-musicali presso il museo Civico di Bolzano” (2018), and respectively with Maddalena Vaccaro and Giulia Gabrielli he coedited the books “Il Breviario-Messale di Salerno del Museo Leone di Vercelli. Una nuova fonte per la storia dell’arte, della cultura e della liturgia” and “La ricerca in Trentino-Alto Adige: manoscritti, edizioni e frammenti.”