EMCE: Prague Notre Dame fragments and the reception of ars antiqua polyphony in Bohemia and Moravia (online)
Srdečně zveme na přednášku z cyklu “Early Music in Central Europe: Local Elements –Transregional Connections – International Research” (organizuje projekt Staré mýty, nová fakta).
Hana Vlhová-Wörner a Jan Ciglbauer představí své bádání o pražských fragmentech polyfonie Notre Dame.
Abstrakt: The recent discovery of fragments with seven two-part organa in the collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic has received wide publicity in the Czech media and attracted the attention of musicologists at home and abroad. In the lecture devoted to this remarkable document, we will, first of all, present a comprehensive codicological and palaeographic description, provide a detailed list of the repertory (organa and clausulae), and discuss their relationship to contemporary sources with Notre Dame polyphony. Secondly, we will discuss historical and musical sources confirming the reception of French monophonic and polyphonic music in the Cathedrals in Prague and Olomouc as well as in several monasteries in Bohemia. Finally, we will touch on the subject of secondary uses of parchment from no longer used medieval manuscripts in the context of growing book production in the 15th century and propose that the original manuscript with French organa came from a library in Bohemia which was forcibly relocated during the Hussite wars.
Přednáška se uskuteční ve středu 15. prosince v 17:00 (ZOOM).
Pro obdržení přístupových údajů se prosím registrujte do 14. prosince 17:00 přes tento formulář: https://forms.gle/fWae7geppJG5MQK6A